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Re: Colchester - Mallaig

Morning , thats a great idea especially considering the luggage loss ,


Re: Colchester - Mallaig

Airline lost someone’s rucksack this year. He did get it back but a bit of a nightmare and had to start a day late. :rage:

Re: Colchester - Mallaig

Hello , just been looking into it , its not that bad , about £140 on the train and when you look into it you can have a few beers and meal and go to bed , wake up for breaky and your there so its definately worth considering , also i can comeback from Montrose on a sleeper on a Friday evening once completed , not sure whether i will smell that great thou ,

Thanks again Mark

Re: Colchester - Mallaig

A popular alternative when departing from Montrose going back to London on a Friday is to take the 10:33 train .
For which, if you time it correctly and buy your ticket exactly 12 weeks in advance, get a first class ticket for approximately £65. And thus sit back and enjoy free beer and food all day!
You get into Kings Cross at 16:50 which would still leave plenty of time to get back to Colchester that evening.
Obviously the same applies on a Saturday, which means you could enjoy two post event dinners

Re: Colchester - Mallaig

Thanks Ray , is still a bit of a blur as i only got confirmation yesterday as i was no17 on the reserve list so now im trying franticly to sort things out , having the right clothing at the end of the event is someting to think about because if im staying for a couple of dinners i will need to post gear up to a hotel so i can have a change of clothes at the end , coming back on that train is another great idea as its a lot cheaper and doing it 1st class would definately finish the challenge off nicely,

Thanks for your thoughts

Re: Colchester - Mallaig

You can get a flight from Aberdeen to Heathrow with British Airways for just £85. I did this last year and I was home in Southend by late afternoon. The flight only took an hour but you've then got the trek from Heathrow to Liverpool Street. Alternatively try flying from Aberdeen to Norwich with Eastern Airways. There is a fare for the Friday for £96 (including luggage) although you will have to sort out how to get from Norwich to Colchester.

Re: Colchester - Mallaig

As others have suggested the overnight train is probably your best bet. I've done this journey a few times as I live near Colchester. If you book 12 weeks in advance you can get a really good deal. If you decide to travel by day it is sometimes cheaper to stay in Glasgow overnight and get the early train to Mallaig. I can't recall the Colchester - Glasgow costs but I do remember that the Mallaig leg was only £5

I'm just down the road if you want a chat sometime

Re: Colchester - Mallaig

So we have Mark in Colchester, me in Southend and Alan "just down the road".

Time for an Essex meetup...anyone up for it?!

Re: Colchester - Mallaig

Evening guys , i have emailed you both but i booked the sleeper train last night as there was limited space , the plane sounded great but i was worried about the luggage scenario so i went for the sleeper , hope to see you both up ther

Thanks Mark

Re: Colchester - Mallaig

Hi Mark,

I am travelling from Sussex and decided on the early flight to Glasgow with BA. I can then get the airport shuttle bus to the train station in plenty of time for the 12:15 train to Mallaig, (gives me time to but gas).
I have to check my bag in because of the walking poles so have a choice of getting the pack wrapped at Gatwick or using the highlander rain / travel cover.
Going back from Montrose I have opted for the 14:30 flight.

Re: Colchester - Mallaig

Hi Neil , ive decided to go a day eatlier so will be arriving on the Wed dinnertime , booked into the hotel in Mallaig for two nights . Have you sorted out your food drops yet and what route have you decided to do


Re: Colchester - Mallaig

Hi Mark,

You have mail.

