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Re: Who's nicked the Avatars?

Defo gone.
It looks different, but it's no better. Actually, they've just added different Emoji's


1. Put the avatars back.

2. Add proper editor buttons with bold, italic, add link etc.

Like 90% of all the other grown up 21st century message boards do.

Messaging is fine.
The message board is great to communicate.

But it is running on an old neanderthal platform.

Well, that's my rant.

Re: Who's nicked the Avatars?

And you can't edit posted messages.

And all they have is a back button, no home button to get to the main index.

At least on mobile android.

Not a good upgrade.

I'll not insult the programmers.

:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

But at least that bloody awful prove you're not a robot has gone.

Looks like it is the mobile version that has the most functionality above missing.

Re: Who's nicked the Avatars?

⬅ TGO Message Board, in bold above left, returns you to the main index on Android 😊

Re: Who's nicked the Avatars?

There's a clumky way you can insert an Avatar...... if this works....

And, Andrew - there's a Make Changes button on the desktop version ie after previewing. Not sure about after posting.

Avatars next to each post do help me to remember who said what so I hope they come back.

EDIT - and yes you can edit the post afterwards. My piccie, above, uses the [img] bb code ..... but you really wouldn't want to bother doing that every time you posted.

Re: Who's nicked the Avatars?

OK, here's the skooby . . .

Firstly, understand that the look, feel and functionality of the forum is controlled by Bravenet Web Services, who provide hosting, domain services and a number of web tools and functions. They're based in British Columbia. In other words, none of these changes to the forum - which took place yesterday afternoon - have anything to do with the TGOC Coordinators.

What's happened is that in writing the code for this new version the Bravenet programmers missed out two important elements.

The first was to omit the Avatar field used when creating a new thread or posting replies. Previously you could fill in Name/Email/Subject/Avatar - with Email and Avatar being optional fields. Now you're only presented with Name/Email/Subject.

The second is that the code element that previously pulled in the user-defined image source for the avatar is missing. You're now presented with a generic image showing the first letter of the user's name.

So, what to do? Well, you can contact Bravenet through Facebook Click here to go to the Bravenet Facebook page. You can use Twitter Click here for Bravenet's Twitter feed. I can't find their eMail address.

I've sent Bravenet a message through their Facebook page which you can read here if you're having trouble sleeping . . . .

Re: Who's nicked the Avatars?

Meanwhile you can have fun fun fun replacing the first letter of your name with random characters heh heh . . .

Re: Who's nicked the Avatars?

I like it!

Re: Who's nicked the Avatars?

I lick it!

Re: Who's nicked the Avatars?

We leck it!

Re: Who's nicked the Avatars?

>%< v^**+#{¥_?<~+=•;&””? ~~%#€|][++$^?<

Re: Who's nicked the Avatars?

Yep I spotted the edit option in normal mode. Android mode has far less functionality.
It still a crapdate not an update.
I'll be posting to Bravenet. They need a better software engineer . :sweat_smile:

Oh. FFS , NOW they have bloody image based confirmation on submission :rage:

Re: Who's nicked the Avatars?

Aha! The Avatars have returned! Be afraid. Be very afraid . . .

Re: Who's nicked the Avatars?

Re: Who's nicked the Avatars?

I think geeing Bravenet up on twitter must have pushed this along smartly.
Cheers, HMP3

Re: Who's nicked the Avatars?

So they have....
Time for a NEW one then... OH Yes....


Re: Who's nicked the Avatars?

A change is as good as a rest :joy:

Re: Who's nicked the Avatars?

On second thoughts..... :scream: :thinking_face:

Re: Who's nicked the Avatars?

It's all very good that the avatars are back, but I would like to know how to do it. Where do I upload the pic to? (by the way, I look forward to meeting you all on the challenge :smile: )

Re: Who's nicked the Avatars?

Try this thread: