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Hello ... and thanks!


I’m new to the Message Board and will be new to the Challenge next year having had my application approved, which I’m really chuffed about.

I’m posting just to say thanks for all your blogs, videos, photos, tweets etc which I’ve been reading with great interest over the past few years. I’ve also followed some of your routes on Social Hiking during The Challenge too. All these were my inspiration to apply, together with a love of Scotland where I’ve walked since I was but a lad. I’m really looking forward to next year and will be doing a mainly low level route seeing as I’m a first timer.

I’ve been using a Scarp 2 for the past few years with my wife and am in two minds about whether to take it next year on my solo trip or to get something smaller, lighter and with a smaller footprint. I’d like another Tarptent and if any users of their one person shelters have any recommendations I’d appreciate any feedback or indeed, any other suggestions.

I’ve tried to add my photo but it’s not showing up on the preview.

Anyway back to filling in my route sheet now and I hope to bump into some of you in May.

Can’t wait!




Re: Hello ... and thanks!

Nothing wrong with the Scarp2 unless you want to shave off some weight. Typically, finding a spot for your tent, even with a large footprint, isn't a huge issue. It also depends on how picky you are with a pitch. Still, if you have the extra $ for a solo or lighter tent, I'd go for it. Since Scotland in May can be unpredictable, consider one that will service you well in wet and windy weather conditions.

Welcome to the challenge, I still remember my first year and getting a tad emotional atop Clachnaben when I realized I had it licked!

Re: Hello ... and thanks!

Many thanks Julie

Yes, I like the Scarp 2 - it’s palatial but as you say a completely flat pitch won’t always be necessary. So long as half of it is on reasonably flat ground. I’ll give it some thought but the temptation of a new shelter may be too hard to resist!

Re: Hello ... and thanks!

Hi Paul and welcome to the Challenge family. I've been using a Tarptent Stratospire 1 for the past couple of Challenges and I have to say I love it. It's just about bomb proof with 2 diagonally opposite porches so 1 is always out of the wind and it only weighs 1.1kg.

Ian C.

Re: Hello ... and thanks!

Thanks Ian. I’ll take a look at the Stratosphere 1. Nice ‘n light!

Re: Hello ... and thanks!

Hi Paul

Last year was my first TGOC and I used a Trailstar which also has a big footprint. There were a couple of sites where I had to be quite creative in pitching and which only worked because I was using it solo. However I enjoyed the space - particularly when wet.

I heard many gear discussions with some folks getting very worked up about weight and choices.

The best advice in my view seemed to coming from those who said that if it works for you then it is perfect

My gear did work work for me and I don't think I will be making any significant changes - not least because a 2 week hike is not the place to test something new.

Enjoy the planning and when it finally arrives enjoy the walk!

Re: Hello ... and thanks!

Thank Mike.

Good advice. I’ve really enjoyed the planning process - just about on week two now!

Re: Hello ... and thanks!

One extra thought. Many solo tents are very cramped for space under the fly. Make sure you have enough room for ALL your gear either under the fly or inside with you, therefore a two person tent is often the most comfortable way to go. I have used a Nallo which at around 2kg is not too heavy for solo back packing.

Re: Hello ... and thanks!

Thanks Peter.

I’m managing to shed weight in other areas of kit so it gives me a bit more flexibility - still a bit more to do though!

Re: Hello ... and thanks!

Hi Paul

On my first challenge I used my old Vango Helium 200 which was fine but I found it a bit cramped after a few days even for someone like me who is vertically challenged (5ft 6in and a bit).

For my second challenge after doing lots of research I opted for the Trailstar. I've used it on several camping trips here in Scotland and yes in summer it doesn't keep out the midges unless you use your inner nest but that's not usually a problem in May. As I use walking poles it means I can save weight by not having to carry tent poles and also it's compact size when folded away but also the height & space it gives you when pitched. Personally I can't recommend it highly enough as it works for me.


Re: Hello ... and thanks!

Thanks Ian

It’s certainly very roomy. I’ll add it to my list. There are so many options aren’t there? I think I’ll get some idea of what my final pack weight is likely to end up at and that will probably influence what I’ll end up doing. I like my Scarp 2 but was looking for something with a smaller footprint.


Re: Hello ... and thanks!


I've used a Tarptent Rainbow on my last few Challenges. Loads of room for one; the Double Rainbow would be even more spacious!!!

Re: Hello ... and thanks!

Thanks David

I’m just looking at the footprints of Tarptent one person shelters at the moment!

Re: Hello ... and thanks!

Hi Paul

Sorry, I'm somewhat late to this thread. I've used a Tarptent Scarp 1 for three crossings and it's been superb. Very stable and plenty of room but with a fairly modest footprint. Having two vestibules is brilliant. IMO it's a superb all rounder.

Last year I bought a Tarptent Stratospire 1. This is also excellent, with an identical size inner to Scarp 1 but even bigger vestibules and superb headroom across the width of the inner. It saves about 400gr on the Scarp as it uses trekking poles for set up. Whilst it's very fast (in theory) to pitch, the weird geometry can make it problematic to get the inner on exactly the spot you want and that you think you have selected!

I've still not decided which of the two I'll take next May but the Strat may win because of the weight saving.

Re: Hello ... and thanks!

Hi David

Thanks for your reply.

I ended up buying a Tarptent Notch for last year’s Challenge. The small footprint, low weight and quick erection were appealing. There wasn’t a lot of room in it but I managed okay. It wasn’t tested at all by the weather as there was very little rain.

I do like the Scarp 1 and many say it’s an ideal Challenge tent - perhaps my next solo tent?

Unfortunately I was unable to apply for the 2019 Challenge due to family reasons but I’m hoping to put an application in for 2020.

Have a great crossing next year.



Re: Hello ... and thanks!

Ha! I thought I was slightly late to the thread thinking you'd posted in early November this year. I now realise it was November 2017.

What a plonker. Me not you. Well probably!

Re: Hello ... and thanks!

Depending upon how tall you are, and if you like Tarptents, then the "Notch" is a rather splendid challenge tent.
Several people use them, and it has been my favourite TGOC tent in all my ludicrous number of crossings.

Re: Hello ... and thanks!

Dear ***
Just realised how old this thread was...

And you did get the TOP NOTCH!

Re: Hello ... and thanks!

Yes, an old thread 😀 I went with the Notch and it was excellent. Thanks for the replies though.