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Re: Oban start

Hi Steve,

Welcome to your first Challenge.

Oban as a start point does suffer from the fact that most routes out involve substantial road walking, the only real exception being the ferry trip to Lismore. For many, many years, I avoided it as my kick off for that very reason, road walking being a personal dislike. Three years ago, however, I did succumb to the Glen Lonan/Taynuilt route and, I have to say that, as road walking goes, it cannot be bettered. There's hardly any traffic and the scenery is pleasant. There's the additional attraction that it's a popular first day and you have the opportunity for quite a social stroll along to Taynuilt. The miles can fly past and there's a pint to look forward to.

There are possible alternatives if you're prepared to be brave but they'll involve you in a lot of very rough country and may not be terribly enjoyable. Anyone who does discover another way to reach Taynuilt will be doing future Challengers a favour; the fact that I know of none does suggest that all attempts have ended in discomfort and frustration. Really, if you want to go that way, it's probably better to accept the tarmac and make easy miles eastwards, saving your energy for finer country ahead.

That may not help too much....


Re: Oban start

Thanks for that Colin

Re: Oban start

There is the Lismore ferry, then walk the island to the North end, then get the tiny ferry across to Port Appin, as a start.

Re: Oban start

Colin mentioned the Lismore option near the start of his reply.


Re: Oban start

Message boards are very convenient as people can talk about the topic alike. I have used these boards to site www.cheap-essaywriting.com faster using some help. It was amazing talking to like-minded people. Everyone was super supportive.

Re: Oban start

I did the Oban start this year, and the road to Taynuilt. I was very pleasantly surprised, as first day intros go it was a lovely gentle stroll along an incredibly quiet lane, open scenery building all the way. By lunch it's done, you have a cafe and a smokery or a pint to enjoy, and then head off into the wilds. Other routes may have less road walking at the start, but then they will probably require some later on which isn't half as pleasant. After the first day I managed to avoid roads pretty much all the way to the east coast.

Re: Oban start

In 2015 I had the same question: is there no alternative for a day's roadwalk? OK, we did NOT do the roadwalk to Taynuilt; the route Jolanda and I took is this one:
From Oban, roads to Ardconnel, then take the track to Kilvaree. Before Kilvaree leave the track and try to cross the Black Lochs stream at NM 92084 31172.
This is a horrible bog to cross, but there was a metal fence in the middle of the deepest section to help us cross the stream. There is a nice ruin at the other side, Auchnacoshan, relax, from here you may pick up a track to Stonefield.
Cross the A85 and start follow a coastal route: at the end of the minor road it is possible to follow the coastline - do not go onto the railway line! When the tide is in it may be tricky to pass the rocky shore at NM 96895 34034.
Past Rubha Ban, at the outflow of a stream we spotted an otter! Here you enter an estate, Muckairn Castle, through a gate. Nice paths here, you can go right and follow one that is close to the railway line (and avoids the castle). This leads to a bridge over the Allt Nathais at NM 97734 33112 and the Muckairn Castle drive. Initially I wanted to continue following the coast, but we chose to leave the estate, walk to the A85 and follow that to Taynuilt.

Lessons learned:
1. If my partner Jolanda can do this on the first day of her first TGO Challenge, anyone can do it.
2. We saved ourselves some 11km of roadwalking, hurray!
3. If you like to wet your feet in the Scottish bogs on the first day of your challenge, this is your route.

However, I think it is wise to follow Collin's advise......

Cheers, BART

Re: Oban start

Cheers Bart, read your reply with interest, then saw your last line!!!