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Loch Chiarain bothy to Corrour station

As the subject title says, I'm looking at walking from Loch Chiarain bothy to Corrour station and the paths show you have to go north to Loch Trieg and then back down to Corrour.

However, this photo indicates there is a little used track that would enable me to cut across from the Allt Faith Chiarain to Corrour going over An Diollaid. Does anyone know anything about this path?


Alternatively, what's the climb like from the bothy to the summit of Beinn a Bhric?

Re: Loch Chiarain bothy to Corrour station

Hi Paul,

I can't tell you anything about the path, though my suspicion would be that it won't get you all the way over to An Diollaid and is likely to lead you into awkward trackless moor. Perhaps someone will prove me wrong.

I can be much more definite about Beinn a' Bhric, which is perfectly viable. Stepping stones lead over the outflow from the loch then the slope is pathless but not difficult. Once on top of the hill, you'll find a clear track leading down to Tom an Eoin and An Diollaid to join with the paths around Corrour. On a fine day, you might wish to consider ascending to the Corbett, Leum Uilleum. The hill itself is a bit of a rounded pudding but its saving grace is its view, one of the finest all round panoramas in the Highlands and well worth some extra effort to experience. You can then descend to Corrour by the An Diollaid ridge or the Sron an Lagain Ghairbh ridge, which has a rather poorer path. The whole circuit is a popular outing from the station.

Needless to say, in poor conditions, leave well alone. And it would be such a shame to visit this hill and miss out on that view.

Hope that helps


Re: Loch Chiarain bothy to Corrour station

Hi Paul,

Having walked from Chiarain Bothy to Loch Treig (and then back up to Corrour) some years ago, I cannot recommend it at all. The Scottish Six Days Trial had been there before us and everywhere had been turned to a ghastly swamp.

Even dropping down to the Loch was horrendous.

I've also looked at the 'shortcut' as you have suggested. On RouteBuddy's Aerial View (which uses Microsoft Bing aerial view, I think) there appears to be a four-wheeled track all the way, which avoids the bogs, almost entirely.

Leave the main drag at NN309656 and follow the stream up to about NN312656 around the 330m contour and then follow the track over the neck of the small promontory NN323665, then continue to NN339673 (the start of the burn) and the track then takes you to NN348673 and the path to Corrour Station.

This route avoids all the slurry.

We are using this as our FWA, with Colin's excellent Beinn a' Bhric as our 'Jolly Pleasant' Route.

I hope this helps, Sir.

If you don't have access to RouteBuddy's Aerial view software (which is superb, as you can plot your route with incredible accuracy on the view itself and it automatically transfers to your mapping) I can send you a gpx file of the track.

All the best (you're already safely in, if I remember from elsewhere on the board!)


Re: Loch Chiarain bothy to Corrour station

Apologies - All thumbs here. This line should have read:

"Leave the main drag at NN309656 and follow the stream up to about NN312656 around the 430m contour"

Re: Loch Chiarain bothy to Corrour station

Thanks for the replies and yes I can see the 4x4 track using Bing maps(Google maps shows to much snow to be useful). Looking at it closely though the point at which it leaves the path seems unclear but it may be clearer on the ground. I think I'll use the 4x4 track as my FWA and see if I can make it up Beinn a Bhric and maybe Leum Uilleim as well.

Alan - yes I am already in on account of not getting in last year. I've chosen Kilchoan as my start for 2018 and I've got my sleeper ticket booked already!