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Re: Potentially Holey Boots Eek!

I'll be starting from Mallaig as well, so I'm relieved to read you did not opt for glue - I don't need to bring the whole roll of duct tape ;).

Re: Potentially Holey Boots Eek!

It's funny how some things can seem like a great idea but then on second review, not so much! You'll just have to save your tape for more important things like tent repair and kidnapping instead. Hopefully see you in Mallaig, I'll be in the hostel on Thursday night. (wearing navy blue Scarpas!)

Re: Potentially Holey Boots Eek!

Hi Izy, I'll be at the Mission Bunkhouse Thursday night (are there any other hostels?) - with a brand new green Osprey Aura AG rucksack :o! Had to go and get one today as I couldn't fit all my stuff into the previous one (supply parcels and all). Luckily getting to know your pack isn't as demanding as it is with boots, but I'm not very pleased with myself. I sell this stuff for a living, for Pete's sake!

Back to packing (I'll be leaving home tomorrow)!

Re: Potentially Holey Boots Eek!

Yes that's the hostel I'm at too, I don't think there's two. Though am sure I'll find out if I turn up at the wrong one!

At least your new back pack will be nice and pong free, despite gentle washing pong reduction is never 100% on mine. Though it does give it personality and character I'd like to think

Despite a year of obsessively camping it's still always so hard to decide what to take and leave behind. Evvvvvvery time there's the same old argument with myself of how many socks, jumpers, hats and even bras to take The number is always so much smaller than what I want to take!! (Essentially everything!)

Have a safe journey tomorrow!!!


Re: Potentially Holey Boots Eek!

Actually, when I first opened my new pack at home yesterday to start filling it up with all the HEAVY stuff, it smelled a bit like cat pee. Yikes. Had to check that there wasn't a kitty trapped inside. So, you'll recognize me at the hostel by that particular odour.

As for packing - I've been hiking for years, but this is the first time I go for a part wilderness-part civilization walk and therein lies the problem. I'm inclined to take a travel towel, because I get to take a shower every now and then (also, some shampoo/shower gel to go with it), I need a clean shirt to wear to a hostel and pubs in the evening (I think) etc. When you hike in the wilderness in Lapland for a week it's just you and the ever present pong, no need or chance for showers, no other people, no nothing but Mother Nature who is very understanding. My typical pack weight, including food for 8 days, is around 13 kilos. Now I can't seem to get the base weight under 10 kilos, no matter how hard I try (well of course the new bloody pack is half a kilo heavier than the old one...).

Well, only three hours before my bus leaves, so I guess I'd better take everything I can fit into my pack (the gigantic new one) and under the checked baggage weight limit on my flight, and continue faffing with it in once I'm in Edinburgh .

Hopefully your burgeoning relationship with the new Scarpas is going well!

Re: Potentially Holey Boots Eek!

Hey Izy,

That's what I had to end up doing, got last minute new boots, Scarpas. It currently feels a bit like a blind date, the potential is there but just not quite sure...
Been wearing them for couple of days religiously to everywhere and so far ok but it is a light work commute. Hopefully it will be ok, alternatively it will be a barefoot crossing!

Enjoy the preparations for the trek!


Re: Potentially Holey Boots Eek!

Comforting to know there are a few people out there at the 'getting to know you stage' with their boots. Hope they turn out to be the ideal partner Katrin :) I was splashing around in the bath with mine last night, so far no leaks!