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Re: Why not just put up a list?

We have opted for the first year to keep pretty much everything the same as before. It is a steep learning curve and making changes often upsets people. Those who are less "techie" are the least likely to use the message board and we don't want their views excluded because they can't/ don't want to post on the forum. Some people don't even have email addresses. We had already thought of alternative ways to tell people if they have a place and have considered in future using email to pass on the Event Details for those who use computers as this would also save paper and postage as well as some (wo)man hours. We will canvas people after the Challenge and listen to any constructive views.

Re: Why not just put up a list?

Frankly I think this could be an excellent additional delivery channel for the future - and as Andy says, there's nothing complex about creating a BCC eMail. (Blind Carbon Copy (carbon-paper, what this be??))

There would be saving on postage - not to mention the time and licking involved in collating the material and stuffing the envelopes. (Licking? Stuffing the envelopes? This sounds vaguely deviant.)

Postage savings based on around 240 Challenged choosing to go for an eMail option:

First class: 3.8 bottles of Ardbeg (shurely shome mishtake here? Lesh go or four? Ed.)
Second class: 60 deep-fried Mars Bars

Realistically there'd be no savings on print. Well, there could be if using a digital press as against litho, but it'd be minimal. About 200 Jammie Dodgers at today's rates.

This all gets compounded when you consider the Final Details. For myself I have no problem whatsoever accessing material in this format - tho' I must confess that I take a Horrid Pleasure in receiving physical print. I can fully recommend Ms Whiplash to any interested parties.

And a special message for Vanessa! Years ago (around 1980) my neighbour in Co Wicklow brought in a French ram - a Berrichon - to entertain his Cheviot/Suffolk flock. After three daze we found him flat on the track - exhausted by those Irish Grrrrls! But I guess he died happy . . .

Re: Why not just put up a list?

Humph,I don't think Vanessa's little yows would be interested in that sort of thing. They're pure bred Highlanders, for goodness sake!

Re: Why not just put up a list?

There's no carbon in a cc, Humphrey (b or otherwise): it stands for COURTESY copy.

Re: Why not just put up a list?

Jeremy, that fount of all knowledge, Wikipedia, suggests that HMP3 is correct. Bcc, stands for blind carbon copy http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_carbon_copy

Re: Why not just put up a list?

Years ago I introduced email to my workplace. It was enthusiastically adopted by my staff to inform me of their every trivial decision.

BCC = Backside Covering Copy

Re: Why not just put up a list?

Strangely, that doesn't appear on Wikipedia, but is a much more satisfactory interpretation

Re: Why not just put up a list?

Jeremy, that fount of all knowledge, Wikipedia, suggests that HMP3 is correct. Bcc, stands for blind carbon copy http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_carbon_copy

Ah ... but it acknowledges "Courtesy Copy" as a potential derivation of "cc" without the "b" (albeit listing it after "carbon copy": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CC )

Perhaps my profession just tends to be more courteous than some others ...

As for the meaningof "bcc", I think that Wiki may have got it wrong on this occasion: http://www.beardedcollieclub.co.uk/default.php

Re: Why not just put up a list?

Keep going, Jeremy! Wikipedia suggests that "courtesy copy" is a backronym http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_carbon_copy#Carbon_vs._courtesy

The Techterms website agrees with Wikipedia http://www.techterms.com/definition/bcc

However, Jeremy, I think Phil's definition is still the best

Re: Why not just put up a list?


So far we've had references to Horrid Pleasures, Licking & Stuffing, Ms Whiplash, exhausted Irish girls, Neanderthals, shaggy dogs, bottoms, and lastly, Courtesy.

I had wondered what message board I had strayed upon.

Re: Why not just put up a list?

I would say both are now accepted meanings.

However, historically I suspect Carbon may be longer in the tooth.

And as such IMO it was not worth making the correction in the first place, since it was not a correction but an alternative interpretation.


Re: Why not just put up a list?

Oh yea ... I'm loving this thread. Back in the day I had an IBM Selectric typewrither (Series I) which gave you the ability to change typefaces by swapping over the golfball.There were 45 typefaces in all - which was not too shabby, especially if you were knocking up fanzines. It was absolutely The Frog's W*llies for kicking out carbon copies.

Now, anyone fancy a quick mimeograph before dinner?

Re: Why not just put up a list?

I can still smell those sheets of paper now, HMP3

Re: Why not just put up a list?

This is but shabby and disgusting. Sniffing sheets is beyond the beyonds. It's not smart. It's not clever. It's reprehensible.

Re: Why not just put up a list?

For proper sniffing you want a Banda Copier. With those exotic solvents running off 100 copies was enough to put you over the limit.

Re: Why not just put up a list?

What's a typewriter?