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Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

OMG! Chalybeate. The source of the World's supply of Irn Bru, the ideal drink to accompany the finest French cheese. No washing your smalls in the Spring, please.

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

Cannae wait! Won't wait! My original root had me arriving in that self-same spot a day earlier - but I will adjust this to make yr soirée for certain.

As we speak I am channeling an early '60's take, with Blue Nun and/or Chianti in wicker baskets. Accessorised with tinned pineapple, glacé cherries and finger portions of cold "hot dogs". Primula sounds excellent (good call, Judith!), particularly in the tube version. Tinned ravioli is always a favourite. Would a full-on fondue with Cinzano aperitifs cut the mustard? I'm minded to load up the Dansette gramophone with a mix of Mantovani, Russ Conway and (for the adventurous) a dangerous melange of Frank Ifield and Matt Monroe.

For dessert I'm thinking tinned lychees. But am open to suggestions . . .

Yum! Yum!

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

Excellent Humph. We have some 78's of the Inkspots in the loft, I will put them on my parcel list straight away.

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

Yes please- been looking at how you get to the C&W from Fort Augustus - bumpy? Will be recceing the site sometime over the winter.I'm assuming you'll be heading to Kincraig via the wolf's lair - beware that sanctuary cannot always be certain in the local bothies- they are sometimes locked. Looking forward to receiving your whole route, so that I can contemplate the amount of pain and suffering.

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

Hump3, surely you are not going to miss taking the classic 60's prawn cocktail and black forest gateaux?
And don't forget a few doggie biscuits!

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

Bloody hell. We seem to be going the same way :-)

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

For once, I might be in the right area at the right time. Still to finalise and get route vetted, but here's hoping.

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

Don't drink the water!It could well be a bit on the orange side. This will be perfect for those with an iron constitution who require a spot of loosening up after days of a bad diet. (I suspect you may not be requiring much water)
Café akto will be a bit further East in Glen Mazeran. Do call for baconbaps and/or black paws finest beer(baconbaps is NOT the knickname of my girlfriend by the way)

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

The water should be ideal for Mr Walker's "problem"!

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

I had planned to camp a mere 2km further SSE that night at Loch na Lairige but I could easily amend this as I haven't submitted my route yet. (Although the FWA location is too far north for me, so I hope the weather is fine!)

I can't guarantee my rucksack will be as well stocked with cheese and wine this time though!

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

I can't guarantee my rucksack will be as well stocked with cheese and wine this time though!

You are not going to disappoint us are you? We are old. We cannot carry it ourselves. You know that.

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

Is there room for a couple of first timers? We'll bring whatever Fort Augustus will sell us.

We'll have to hope for good weather too as the FWA isn't on ours at the moment.

Vicky and Toby (v2 according to the participant list..)

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

How splendid!

Andy, Kate, Kirsten, Vicky, Toby (first timers are amazingly welcome - the life-blood of the Challenge)

Come on, Judith... You know you want to....

This party just gets better and better. That's twelve of us, plus Judith as a possible, so far...

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

And then they can all follow you to Kincraig.....

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

OK guys, we've got sigint that a dozen or so trrrists will be holed up at a secret hideout in the mountain range so secret we never name it. Known eco-activistas will be there; thurr cheese-eating, so could be foreign; and they got wine, so that's confirmed. These nogoodniks are close to a massive turbo power installation vital to the nation's energy security. Git those drones in the sky!

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

Vicky and Toby claiming to be first timers? Then who the heck was I sitting with in the Fife Arms after the 2013 duck attack?

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

A careful scan of the list of names will reveal TWO Vicky/Toby combos

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

Blimey, for a minute there I thought I'd written a message that I hadn't remembered writing or sending! Didn't realise there was another Vicky & Toby - welcome! :) Great names! ;-)

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

Blimey that's confusing. Two V & T's. Let's just call everybody Bruce

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party


No Sheilas?

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

I fear the way we'll be referred to is the older Vicky & Toby, given the ages of the V & T no. 2! I'm not sure I'm ready to be referred to as old......!

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

V&T senior and V&T junior

Job done!

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

V&T and V&T25 (they are the slightly younger ones) see how I did that. Diplomatic or what?

Anyway, you've done 1 V&T (you decided where you are starting yet?)

This is V&T so you don't get confused!

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

Ah.....the memories! :) Shame I look like I need the loo! :)

I can live with 'slightly younger'.....allows me to continue my age denial!

Think we're joining you starting in Mallaig....see you in the pub? :)

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

Vicky (the other one!)
Ah.....the memories! :) Shame I look like I need the loo! :)

I can live with 'slightly younger'.....allows me to continue my age denial!

Think we're joining you starting in Mallaig....see you in the pub? :)

Vicky Vicky, Toby, Toby

Mallaig it is then.

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

I have had a greasy premonition...

We're going to be a day behind schedule after one day... leaving four days to be done in three to Fort Aggie....

Deja vu, all over again....

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

NOTE..You are NOT spending all day in that Pub.

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

OMG this is shaping up to be Parrty Of The Year oh yea! Do you have a take on probable numbers so far? I only ask because I may have to organise a food-drop of glacé cherries. I am also actively sourcing Prawns Marie Rose. Black Forest Gateau may not travel well - but maybe can be acquired in Ft A.

Any take on "Songs For Swinging Lovers" by Frank? Or should we go for Cliff's second album - "Cliff Sings - And He Certainly Does"?

Love the chance to meet with the multiple Vicky 'n' Tobys. G & T, V & T anyone? A swift snifter? Oh yes, what is the preferred dress code? Only asking. My tailor awaits.

Yum Yum xx xx

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

Hi Hump3

I make it about a dozen souls so far.

2014 Cheese & Winers may find this article particularly helpful:


Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

Haha. I'm impressed how much confusion we've caused already.

And it's only going to get worse, we're starting in Mallaig too.

V&T25 !

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

Haha. I'm impressed how much confusion we've caused already.

And it's only going to get worse, we're starting in Mallaig too.

V&T25 !

Excellent! We could have fun with this....kind of like identical twins pretending to be each other!..
....we'll certainly keep challenge control on their toes! :-)

Look forward to meeting you in the pub!

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

I really must apologise, you see it wasn't my idea as I had already planned my route and was just having lunch with a certain Humphrey Weightman who suggested that if I tweeked my route I could join your merry bunch for cheese & wine. Well I thought it would be rude not to take up such a kind offer !.

Look forward to joining you space permitting.


Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

I see that this thread is the first to have passed one thousand views! Mr Sloman, I salute you! That Sinclair is a Thoroughly Decent Fellow and will Fit Right In. And is a near neighbour of mine. I understand that he is sourcing an amusing Chateau Latour as we speak.

It's all shaping up to be a perfectly splendid soirée. But ... dress code? Smart/casual I imagine? Only asking . . .

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

Hi Ian and Welcome!

Both the Fine Weather and Foul Weather locations have been chosen to provide plenty of good camping spots for zillions of Challengers and their guests.

Humph: Dress code is indeed smart/casual, as detailed on the invite at the top of the thread.

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

Route now finalised to be there! Not sure how I'll pick up a supply of booze yet. The cheese is manageable. Silly question - how do you deal with the empties?

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

Hi Kirsten.

That's splendid news!

The best solution is to decant your wine into a Platypus Wine Preserver available from the excellent Backpackinglight.co.uk (That's Podcast Bob's outfit). It weighs next to nothing!


Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

To be honest, any platypus would do.
I mean, you don't carry it for long do you?
Last year, ours didn't even make it to the Cheese and Wine.

Re: 2014: An invitation to a Cheese & Wine Party

The party is getting bigger!

We now have Jaya John (JJJ?) & Barney coming along as well.

Any more for anymore?