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Re: Pictures

It would be useful if this information was in the resources section.

Here's how I do it:

I have a Google Picassa online photo album. It's free from Google.

Upload your photo to Picassa - Mine is 207 pixels x 207 pixels in size.

Then, right-click on the stored image and a menu comes up.

Left click on "Copy image url"

Paste this into the "Avatar URL:" box in your Message Board box above the area where you type your message.

If it starts with "https" remove the "s"

Post your message, and your picture should show up alongside your message on the Message Board.

I hope this helps

Re: Pictures

Like this...no, that didn't work. I'll try again.

From Profile Photos

Now that's odd, I've tried doing the Picasa link thingy for the avatar before and it hadn't worked so I didn't bother again.

I just tried again - same result. When I embed the image (86 x 86) it appears in the message body but pasting the URL of the image into the avatar window disnae work.

Perhaps it's best that way....it my frighten the horses.

My brain hurts.


Re: Pictures

Don't work for me either. When I right click I either get "Copy image" or "Copy image address", neither of which work when I paste them. All I see where the image should appear is a small box with a "?" in it. JJ's looks the same although his picture appears in the body of the message. Could the problem be something to do with the image size? If so how do we reduce it?

Re: Pictures

JJ & Grumpy

Try this:

When you paste the URL link onto the Message Board, remove the "s" from the "https" bit at the start of the URL

The link will then change to an image that is publicly available.

I think...

Pete: The start of your Avatar link should read http://

You currently have:

It should read:

See the picture to the left of this message: It's you, baby!

You have a few too many "http"s in your link

Re: Pictures

Yaroo! Thanks Al - I just removed the 's' from HTTPS and it worked.

The actual location of the image is here:


- which is a .png file.


Re: Pictures

This one is a .jpeg file, 305 x 305, the previous image was 86 x 86.


Re: Pictures

Well I have taken the s off so I hope this works!

Re: Pictures

You're now a Techie Genius!


Re: Pictures

Ok - I'm going to give this a go...........

YIPEE! It worked - thanks Alan - you're a star!

Re: Pictures

OK, next question Al. How are you with mountain bike hydraulic disc brakes?

Re: Pictures

Dump the brakes and use your shoes like all boys!

Brakes are for wimps!

Re: Pictures

Don't talk to him about Mountain Bikes.
It dramatically raises his blood pressure, and that is bad for the man.

Oooerr, Now I've Done it!

Re: Pictures

Thought I would give it a go, pics that is.

Re: Pictures

Hey Andy, I'd show you mine but now I don't know how to embed a photo in the text box.

Re: Pictures

I have sent you an email about that

Re: Pictures

Like this?

Woo hoo! Yes, like that!

Now I just need a photograph of me with the right tent...

Re: Pictures

Cake is good; vetters also accept cake!

Re: Pictures

Well, if we get a place I suppose it will depend who our vetter is

Re: Pictures

Looking at the vetters, tipsy cake or rum babas would be appropriate!

Re: Pictures

Not a fruit cake?

Re: Pictures

Christmas cake would be good. Plenty of fruit and nuts and soaked in whisky; or is that a bit close to home?
Ah! Tipsy Cake, memories of youth when it was available from almost every baker's shop but I have not seen it in years. Is it still available north of the border.

Re: Pictures

Here's my attempt at inserting a portrait into the massage board, thanks for the tips, hope it works!

Re: Pictures

Did you see my glasses, dear ? It works ! But not for me.

Re: Pictures

Tried something else. Hope it works.

Re: Pictures

Here's my attempt at inserting a portrait into the massage board, thanks for the tips, hope it works!

Your image link does NOT appear to reference any sort of image file. The picture needs to be stored on some form of web site like picassa, OR it is in the wrong file format.

Re: Pictures

Afternoon all

Re: Pictures

Okay, Andrew, I admit to complications. (Hangs head in shame.)My picture wasn't directly from Picasa, I had to lift it from there, and then email it back to myself before my boss (the computer) offered me the menu with the option to copy the URL. Picasa didn't give me that option! I've been working with Picasa for years now, but it still sometimes defeats me. Anyway, it worked!

Re: Pictures

Oh no it didn't!

Re: Pictures

Perhaps this is more in character! But I still can't find a way to do it directly from Picasa.

Re: Pictures

I think when I picked the photograph in picasa, I right-clicked on it and selected properties. From there, I was able to copy and paste the URL address into the Avatar box. Then remove the 's' from the https...
Hope this helps.

Re: Pictures

Aaaargh - still can't find the flippin' URL, Louise, even in 'Properties'. I'd tried looking there before. Can't understand it. Gonna slurp some more of that Ardbeg...

Re: Pictures

It look likes this : https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-JX0Zex6M......

Re: Pictures

I have never seen so many beautiful/handsome* Challengers on one thread in my life!

But still nothing from the man who started this thread.
How's it going with the picture, Stuart?

* Delete as appropriate

Re: Pictures

Thanks, Alan, another technical mystery solved....!

Re: Pictures

no idea what I'm doing

Re: Pictures

Russ Manion
no idea what I'm doing

That is one SCARY photo Russ.

Re: Pictures

True Andrew, its time for my annual hair cut !! The annual worry that I might have used up all the hair I have left to grow is upon me and I will have to wear a woolly hat evermore.

Re: Pictures

Not sure if this will work ...

Re: Pictures

No. Didn't think it would.

Re: Pictures

I managed to get my picture on previously but it has disappeared and replaced by an insipid no entry sign.

I'll have another go using Alan's method.

I am using a different laptop, yet another cast off from the kids, don't know if this makes any difference.

Re: Pictures

Well done! I read through the old thread, removed the "s" and still couldn't get it to work. Maybe it doesn't link with facebook .... I don't have any other online photos.

Re: Pictures

Trying again ...