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Mini Challange Completed.

Hi All,

Now back in Braemar after an epic 5 day walkabout in the Cairngorms.

For Info Only!!!

Bob Scots Bothy up and running well, plenty of firewood about.

Hutchison Mountain Refuge Hut; Much to my surprise the bothy has been totally upgraded with old front porch done away with and new entrance built. Inside has been totally retimbered with all walls, ceiling and floor upgraded. A new stove fitted and even curtains on window. Well done M.B.A. (2012 rebuild)
Only problem - not a stick of firewood about!!!!!

Loch Etchachan: Still in deep winter mode for we stood on Loch and were up to 300mm in porridge snow. There is no boundary between water and land as it is still one complete white out situation.

Fords of Avon Refuge Hut: As expected nice and cosy for a limited number. Only problem being the 10/15 foot vertical snow bank on south side River Avon. Bit of a job to get up or down as the snow bank is overhanging river.

Faindouran Bothy, As stated in Final Report there is/was a chimney problem with a severe crack between chimney and rest of bothy. Problem now solved as chimney has fallen into rest of lodge and leaves a nice cosy bothy. Albeit with half the wall no longer there. However you start the fire at your own risk!!!

Snake Pass between Beinn a Bhuird and Ben Avon was out of the question for us, with very steep snow slopes of about 1000 feet to summit on both sides of Pass. (Be warned!!!!)

Fording the Builg Burn in Glen Bluig: Very difficult due to the high level of water in burn. Much caution required at both crossings.

In general there is still a huge amount of slushy snow about and I was surprised to note that our footprints in the snow at Loch Etchachan were filled in with spindrift after only about 20 min at the loch.

Dropping into Shelter Stone looked OK but caution required.
There are huge snow cornices at every hillside edge, and we were aware that many are about the avalanche.
I understand that the Lairig Ghru is straight forward walking with the usual snow on top.
The Mountains are completely covered with deep porridge snow above 2500 feet

All in all we had a good trip in driving snow, driving rain, overcast but not too cold. A well these mountains are the Cairngorms, rain one minute sun the next.

I hope, with many setting off soon, that you have a great walk and will see lots of you in Braemar.

Keep walking.

Doug Bruce.

Re: Mini Challange Completed.


Many thanks for this update which is very useful for me as I am aiming for Glen Builg after a night at Faindouran. Was the Builg Burn difficult to cross at NJ 186053? Ah well there are 10 days at least for this problem to recede.

Thanks again

Re: Mini Challange Completed.

Thanks Doug for a very comprehensive report. I'll be wearing my boots and gaiters but by the sound of things we'll all get wet at some point on the crossing it's just a question of quantity! Weather forecast for the end of the week looks to be not bad (for a Challenge that is).

Re: Mini Challange Completed.

Mr. Grumpy
Thanks Doug for a very comprehensive report. I'll be wearing my boots and gaiters but by the sound of things we'll all get wet at some point on the crossing it's just a question of quantity! Weather forecast for the end of the week looks to be not bad (for a Challenge that is).

Dry-suit & wellies it is then!

Thanks for the report Doug, really helpful.

Good luck everyone & have a safe crossing (I'm nervous and excited!). Looking forward to meeting some of you en route & in Montrose.

Re: Mini Challange Completed.

Just home from a 2 day warm up and can confirm that (from what bits I could see in between cloud) NE Ben Avon relatively clear but west of Slochd Mor-ish over to Beinn a'Bhuird area absolutely plastered and as Doug says, some stonking great cornices on the remaining snow bits, just about everywhere. All the hills to the east and southeast of Inchrory virtually snow free.

Pitched beside the River Avon near Tomintoul last night and despite some very careful initial monitoring of the water level decided to repostion the Akto to higher ground at about 1030 after hearing boulders being moved in the river and observing a slight rise in levels. Presumably this was caused by snowmelt far upstream yeterday afternoon in the relatively warm (ish) conditions. Water levels back to original level by this morning. If Doug says the Builg Burn is difficult then Challengers might expect problems with the Feithe Laoigh which can often be a pig, even in reasonable conditions.

If all this amount of snow decides to melt it could make this years crossing very interesting and bringing back thoughts of horrific, and potentially life-threatening for some, crossings on last years event.

The advice has to be- be careful!

To all my fellow Challengers, have a safe and enjoyable TGOC2014.


Re: Mini Challange Completed.

Hi Colin,

Thanks for the 2014 wishes.

Hope to be back next year.

All the best for your 2013 Challenge!

Markus Petter

Re: Mini Challange Completed.

Many thanks Doug, great report, the detail will be much appreciated.

Re: Mini Challange Completed.


2013 or 2014, when you get to my age - whats another year?! I think I must still be trying to de-traumatise myself of the horrors of all the additional winds turbines scattered around the wonderful Ochill Hill in Perthshire last week and since my last visit.

Please pass on my very best regards to Silke when you next see her and hope to see you both next year.



Re: Mini Challange Completed.

Hi Colin,

Looking forward to having a chat with you on Challenge 2014. Don´t feel traumatised. You´re still a very fit young ager.

Will pass on your very best regards to Silke. She can´t wait to join the Challenge again and to tackle her first Munro.

The scale of industrialization in the Ochils is a real shame and a black page for the responsible political partys.

Hope you & and the rest of the lot get triple A weather.
