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Re: Censorship

so who is that? To remove a post that was a social comment on drunks, theft and vandalism without naming individuals, location/place is not in contrevention of the site rules. I would therefore like a full explanation of why it was removed.

Town: Ashton in Makerfield

Re: Censorship

The family mentioned in the post had been informed by a third party about the contents of the post. I took the view that if one person could identify the family then so could others, especially if they knew the poster or lived nearby.

This seemed unfair and so I removed the post.

Town: Ashton

Re: Censorship

The post did NOT contain any personal references - names, location etc so I would appreciate if you would restore it to the site as it does not contravene any of the board rules. Seems strange that this message was removed when other posts contain names, places etc between individuals yet remain - this seems to be discrimination to me. Is that your role as moderator? Prove me wrong and re instate the message so those posting on here can do so in the knowledge that 'open debate on matters relevant to Ashton' is encouraged.

Town: Ashton in Makerfield

Re: Censorship

Hi John

You say the post didn't name anyone which your correct neither did it say which area etc, that I am with you 100%

But I knew who you were on about and I know someone else who read Denise's original posting who also knows you both and they told your neighbour of the posts contents. So if two people know who Denise was referring to it's not rocket science that more people will put 2 and 2 together and get 4.

Sadly with the size of our community if someone farts at 1 end of Ashton then it won't be long before it reaches all over the town.

I have been on the wrong side of snide remarks on this forum over the years and I have also been ********* for some of my postings over the years, when David was alive if he removed a posting he didn't do it lightly, and I am sure the moderator now will have taken heed from the way David ran this site.

Life's too bloody short John to be stressing over things like this and falling out. And just for the record due to what Denise was saying in her post about it's not what you know it's who you know, I took that to heart and can assure you both that I am not the moderator on here or any other forum. I will even admit to not knowing who the moderator is since David's passing.

Like I said it's a small community if you kick 1 then half the town starts limping.



Re: Censorship

I read Denise's original post. I don't know who she is or where she lives but she did have a valid point to make about anti social behaviour.

ASB can be very debilitating for those who have to suffer from it. There seems to be no place to go with it. The Council seem to be able to do very little to combat it. The Police seem to be able to do very little to combat it.

I know what it is like Denise. The only thing I get told is to ring GMP 0161 872 5050 and report the ASB and ensure that you obtain a FWIN (Force Wide Incident Number).

If you don't get a FWIN then as far as the Council and Police are concerned then it didn't happen.

I am bemused when the media report that crime and ASB is falling. - I don't believe that at all! I think it is just statisticians crunching the numbers. One thing I note when I ring the Police they don't offer a FWIN or crime number you have to ask to have ASB recorded.

I wonder how many people ring the Police with issues of ASB and don't get a FWIN??

No FWIN no statistic and therefore the media reports ASB is falling!!!!

Town: ashton

Re: Censorship

Julian - having the post removed, while considering what posts don't get removed seems very strange - many posts on here must lead to people knowing the people involved as you say so its strange that this was removed. Having to deal with a 9 year old scared in his own home which is the culmination of many incidents - one involving my 9 year old - leads me to be very angry and not prepared to take this quietly any longer - along with others who see what goes on - unlike others like yourself who live at the other side of Ashton. If you weren't allowed to post on here for fear that "someone" may happen to know "someone" then i think that there would be very little debate at all given the size of Ashton. I refuse to post annonymously as I stand by all that I say.

Karin - i didn't know you had to get a refernce number for the call to be recorded - i assumed they recorded all callouts to ASB - even if they don't turn up - you learn something new everyday. I will just keep calling the police in future and ask for the reference number.

Have no fear Julian - like in the past you have bowed off this forum i will now do so if it has come to a stage where you are afraid to post incase "someone" recognises "someone" via "someone" else (!) and will just use facebook to vent my spleen as many people on there know who I am meaning. I was happy to reply to any comments to my post as I believe that everyone is entitled to an opinion - even me - but that is obviously naive.

John may have a different view - as individuals I can't speak for him.


Town: Ashton

Re: Censorship

The only trouble removing posts is that it draws attention to the removed post for those who saw it before it was removed. Out of respect for the moderator I will not comment on that removed post.
Town: Br/Ash

Town: Br/Ash