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Re: Idiot on Ashton Heath 04 May 2011

Jay I know what “close minded” means, just wanted to see your explanation, and after reading it; well it was the explanation I expected need I say more?

Re: Idiot on Ashton Heath 04 May 2011

I know yeah, it's mad how that works, you ask me for a definition, so I tell you the definition. Some ****ed up logic there.

Town: Ashton

Re: Idiot on Ashton Heath 04 May 2011

Sorry Ian

Just seen your postings asking me to reply, well you need to appreciated that there is not just you working all the hours. I have 2 jobs and last week for a low wage (I am not as fortunate as you ) I worked well over 50 hours, so haven't had to time to look at the site.

I gather that you are stressed, my form of relaxation is walking for miles with my dogs,and I do go off track and into wooded areas, and if I saw you wandering around with a gun I would be greatly concerned.

If you want to go shooting then join a club, this isn't the wild west and I have a right to walk, in peace and relative safety without the fear of getting into a crossfire situation, pellets can do a lot of damage.

As for Wood Pigeons being classed as vermin, I probably stand alone in this view, but I believe that everything has a right to life, why does the human species think that we can control everything? We are the biggest cause of problems to our environment!

Maybe you should try other forms of relaxation because this hobby does not seem to be helping?

Town: Ashton

Re: Idiot on Ashton Heath 04 May 2011

Can I also mention that 4 out of the 5 children that I have raised have worked to put themselves through university, and now the two youngest work 5 nights a week from 11pm through to 5am in a bar, then go to classes and they do that for the basic minimum wage.

Town: Ashton

Re: Idiot on Ashton Heath 04 May 2011

Some of the language on here is getting out of hand and personal. I am sure the issue can be discussed without resorting to swearing or insults.

Town: Ashton

Re: Idiot on Ashton Heath 04 May 2011

It's the Grumpy Old Man joining in.

We are unfortunate to live in the most densly populated area of the UK as a consequence our actions are going to impinge on others. Ian on your journies you must have driven through areas where you would not see anyone for miles.

You say you were in the armed forces, you must then be aware of the danger of any fire arm even something as low powered as an air rifle, I should think with the SA80 the greatest danger was to the person firing it.

Looking at this forum I have to agree one could construe maybe wrongly there is a self elected elite who pronounce on others. That doesn't mean what they say is rubbish.

Regarding the status of wood pigeons and the reaction of some posters to their right to live, People living in a true rural enviroment will certainly agree they are verminn along with many pretty furry creatures. However the same people have a respect for the life of these vermin and would ansure they did not suffer by making sure they are DEAD.

I hope I have not been patronising to either you or Jay, after all you are the future of most of the posters on this website.


Town: Br/Ash

Re: Idiot on Ashton Heath 04 May 2011

thankyou for everything you have said as everyone is simply jumping at me. please see my goodbye post

Town: same as u

Re: Idiot on Ashton Heath 04 May 2011

i would just like to point out that whilst you are complaining about people using bad language and being offensive, then do you not think its equally offensive to call someone an idiot in the first place!

Town: ashton

Re: Idiot on Ashton Heath 04 May 2011

This is an open forum which makes it possible for children to read and to comment. Would you rather a child read someone being called an idiot or a comment being described as being ****ed up. The *'s hide nothing as they're not ignorant to what would be really typed. It's not really a matter of it being offensive to the recipient of the insult. It's a matter of certain words being offensive to everyone. Surely anyone in this day and age will not lose any sleep over being called an idiot.

Town: Mount Pleasant

Re: Idiot on Ashton Heath 04 May 2011

"!!.ppl can say as they like there days "

No they cannot, as you will soon find out. Such poor language, grammar and literacy cannot be tolerated any longer.

Town: Mount Pleasant

Re: Idiot on Ashton Heath 04 May 2011

Alan "Regarding the status of wood pigeons and the reaction of some posters to their right to live, People living in a true rural enviroment will certainly agree they are verminn along with many pretty furry creatures. However the same people have a respect for the life of these vermin and would ansure they did not suffer by making sure they are DEAD."

Im sure if there was a problem with the so-called "vermin" then it would be addressed properly.

Shooting birds just for fun cant be right can it?

Re: Idiot on Ashton Heath 04 May 2011

Hi Andrede
No,as you say it can't be right, but is it wrong, equally if someone enjoys shooting, when ridding the countryside of vermin?

Historically many countryside sports, including that very emmotive one fox hunting were a long time ago encouraged to to the skills that were needed in time of war. Once again in a modern urban enviroment this is hard to understand.

Is it right that people in an urban enviroment impose yheirr views on those from a rural enviroment?

As regards the original posting and certain replies there seems, at best, to be a high degree of mischief making.


Town: Br/Ash

Re: Idiot on Ashton Heath 04 May 2011

I see your point Alan.

However, before we as dictators of this earth start to determine which of God's creatures should be murdered, we should take each area in its context. If Wood Pigeons are happily kickin about in the woods ( and in this case they are), then why should they be considered vermin?

A friend of mine used to throw money at Wood Pigeons out of ( possibly ) an old tradition ( or ) they woke him up the afternoon. But either way Im sure he would hate to see them shot for no reason.

I think in this case we have no reason to be worrying about so called vermin ruining crops. The thread is about a gun-toting idiot that feels he can relax by killing things.

We should ask " What Would Darwin Do?"

He ate owls you know!

Re: Idiot on Ashton Heath 04 May 2011

Andrede - "What Would Darwin Do?"

I reckon Darwin would do whatever Fishy told him to!

Town: Bryn, Ashton in Makerfield.

Re: Idiot on Ashton Heath 04 May 2011

then im sorry to say that they need to find a better rate of pay and then they can also afford a few luxuries in life ie lessons, and a car. i will not be on the heath any more with my rifle...end of. minimum wage twits

Town: same as u

Re: Idiot on Ashton Heath 04 May 2011

You obviously have issues Ian, I have my opinions and you have yours.

Alan with regard to your comments. I have lived both in the Town and in a sleepy country village, but, no matter where I have lived my feelings and respect for life and nature have stayed the same. I have no right to say that anything is vermin, like I have stated before animals are the least of the worlds problems!

Oh, by the way Alan I believe you were once friends with my Uncle when you were younger?

Town: Ashton