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Ashton-in-Makerfield Community Forum

This message board welcomes open and friendly debate on matters relevant to Ashton and its history, and the publicising of local events, activities and facilities. Please read the board rules before posting.

Extracts from this forum and other material have been brought together to provide a local history from the contributions of members.

Ashton-in-Makerfield Community Forum
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King Georges Playing Field!

Call me a bit scepticle, but can anyone explain why they have virtually stripped the above Park of all its amenities, the last thing that has gone is the goal posts and they have been put onto Jubilee Park. Could it be that WMBC once again have their sights on a bit of development land namely the park?

Town: Ashton

Re: King Georges Playing Field!

I was surprised to see that too!!

Took my baby there for a walk in the pram over the recent holidays, was a bit disappointed to see that it's pretty much just a big field! I remember when there was a small play area just near the clinic, as well as a set of swings further ahead.

It's now only good for teens booting a football about and smoking substances, based on what I have seen! :)

Re: King Georges Playing Field!

These playing field are covered by a deed of covenent but what does it state in this covernent?Maybe if the field is not used for a specific time for whatever is laid down in this covernent then the council may be able to sell the land off from under the noses of the people ,nothing would suprise me about our council.Anybody know whats laid out in this covernent?

Town: bryn

Re: King Georges Playing Field!

The YM fields had a covenant but they got round that one. A covenant doesn't seem to count for much.

Town: Stubshaw Cross