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Ashton-in-Makerfield Community Forum

This message board welcomes open and friendly debate on matters relevant to Ashton and its history, and the publicising of local events, activities and facilities. Please read the board rules before posting.

Extracts from this forum and other material have been brought together to provide a local history from the contributions of members.

Ashton-in-Makerfield Community Forum
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Re: Ashton Heath Residents?

Hi Debbie - yes we are still around although small in number. However we lost a lot of input, inspiration and guidance from David McKendrick who sadly passed away. David regularly did a lot of work on the Heath on his own and generally guided us through a programme for improving the area. He also kept the websites up to date including this one which someone has kindly taken over. It is thanks largely to him that several jobs were done on the Heath starting with the massive initial big clear up ofrubbish which had been dumped over the years - old metal window frames, broken glass, bed springs. tyres etc etc - you name it. He liaised with the council and other bodies to get work done including the paths around the heath and through the wood - I could go on. Suffice it to say we miss him very much. Another person we miss is our original enthusiastic Chairman Russ who moved from the area. Our work now is mainly keeping the Heath tidy by picking litter for no larger jobs appear necessary. We still hold 6 monthly meetings.

Town: AIM