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Ashton-in-Makerfield Community Forum

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Ashton-in-Makerfield Community Forum
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Watching the programm "the woman who stops traffic" there were a number of ideas that came up regrading park-and-ride.

Not only was this idea used at railway stations but park-and-ride at bus stations and one I hadn't thought of a park-and-stride.... a place where people could park up outside the town centre and walk in.
Excellent ideas I thought.

Town: Stubshaw

Re: Park-and----------


You must be joking, go down Bryn Road South, you can't get past The Seagull Acrobatics for parked cars, as parents drive their children to a healthy life style.

Is there a contradiction there, or am I missing something.


Town: Ashton

Re: Park-and----------

Point taken Alan, it's a change of attitude we need.
I took to the bike for reasons other than to keep pollution and traffic down but it has come in handy because it it a much quicker way to get around in Ashto especially at peak times.

Imagine a satellite car parks outside the town centre, say about one mile away, and people who commute to the town centre could catch a bus from there, walk in or even cycle if they but their bike on the back of the car. It would be quicker and healthier for them and us all and would keep the town centre less congested. Only an idea and I am sure we would have to be careful where the car parks were placed.

Town: Stubshaw

Re: Park-and----------

Hi Ian -

I agree about the bike being the best means for quick trips round Ashton - best decision I made some years ago. However, we've some way to go before it is seen as a standard means of transport - I'm used to people saying, "Saw you on your bike again", as if I was riding a unicycle or something :)

Town: Ashton

Re: Park-and----------

Yes, the idea taken as a whole does have a long way to go. But picture the car parks and a good public transport system, bus or tram, along side.
It would transform our living space.

It will not be here for years but the sooner we get started the better for those to come.

Town: Stubshaw