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Ashton-in-Makerfield Community Forum
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Unusual visitor

this evening i had i just taken my stair lift upto bed and got comfortable in bed. When my wife walked in with a tuppaware container (yes my 1st thought was it cant be sago) i was right it wasnt. My wife noticed the doggin sniffing around the door into the kitchen,so she went to see what she was fussing over and was very surprised to see a newt walking casually across the lounge floor with the dog having a good sniff. most unsual visitor. My friend who i sent a photo message of this 2 on his mobile sent a text message back to me saying "the newt had heard we was looking for him on Mr Bartons Land a good few months ago" and its taken the newt all these months to trace me down and now he has found me.

Our next door but 1 neighbour has a garden pond thats the only place i can think it has come from. I took several photographs of it before my wife released it at the back of the garden shed........

Town: ashton

Re: Unusual visitor

Julian was it one of he special newts we went looking for?

Town: Bryn

Re: Re: Unusual visitor

from the photos i took and my little research i did last night im torn between that and a smooth

Town: ashton

Re: Unusual visitor

hi julien
is newt spawn anything like frog spawn?
Perhaps this is the answer to your prayers.

Town: Ashton

Re: Re: Unusual visitor

Is your house that damp that you dont get mice,you get newts instead?

Town: Ashton

Re: Re: Re: Unusual visitor

Alan dont start me off again please i am still mouring the crop loss and ye mock moi... Gareth i didnt think we had a damp house maybe we had a high tide? (not a tsunami bringing me sago)

Town: ashton

Re: Re: Re: Re: Unusual visitor

Julian e-mail the photo to me.


Town: Bryn