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Re: world crisis

viriginia I like the sound of that my kind of food parcel when i was in hospital the closest i got to sago was at meal times when they came round asking if i wanted some rice pudding so i thought yeah why not it was like boiling hot wall paper paste, when the nurse came and asked me why i hadnt eaten any i replied my injuries stopped me holding my spoon, she then picked the spoon up and started spoon feeding me each mouthful went down with glee (and the odd wretch it between mouthfuls).

But Im all up for a food parcel of Sago, then this lot might get some rest from me

Town: ashton

Re: Re: world crisis

Virginia, don't get him so excited or he wont be able to sleep. He has nightmares about marching Sago trees carrying him off to a land where he can only have Spotted Dick and custard.

Best regards

Town: Bryn

Re: Re: Re: world crisis

I am delighted that anyone still remembers sago and spotted dick and custard. There are such weird and wonderful menus out there these days. No wonder the world is the way it is!! I am all for keeping up the old favourite recipes of the forties and fifties. By the way have you ever tried lemon sago? They seem to love it out here. We cant get liver sausage here but thank God they so have black pudding!

Town: frankston, australia

Re: Re: Re: Re: world crisis

That should have read "they do have black pudding".

Town: frankston, australia

Re: world crisis

what are these posters that are appearing around Stubshaw Bryn and Ashton? M.A.S, Makerfield against Sago. I hear it is two brothers from Stubshaw, that don't want any more lorries bringing cases of Sago that only one person will eat.
There is to be a first demonstration, I hear, on the grass by the speed camera on Bolton Road.

Town: Ashton

Re: world crisis

LEMON SAGO oh dont u think its bad enough not being able to get normal sago and u go spoiling it with LEMON ewwwwww its like peter kay and GARLIC BREAD, funny u mention liver sausage i only had some of that the other day, as for black pudding u cant beat a traditional Chadwicks Bury Black Pudding. where abouts r u Virginia?

Town: ashton

Re: Re: world crisis

Virginia you really have done it now with your lemon sago Julian will be off to the travel agents to book a flight out there.

You are correct about the old puddings as we used to call them, they are the best, except for sago which most kids never ate when I went to school, unless you had funny taste buds.

Best regards

Town: Bryn, Wigan

Re: Re: world crisis

I'm in Frankston, a town south of Melbourne, in Australia. Very nostalgic for English foods.

Town: frankston, australia