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question about a song

Hi, I've seen Saikano until chapted 9
(I'm downloading the rest right now)
And, as you all, I think the anime is great.

Okay, I just want to ask about that song...
don't know the name, but is the only one
made only of electric guitar.
(you should know which one I'm refering to)

So I was wondering of this song is included
in the OST or not, because I found a page
with just some songs from the OST and I'm
desesperately looking for that song.
(You know, can't get it out of my head)

Thanks in advance for any info.

Re: question about a song

I think you are refering to
Hoshi no Hate

Re: Re: question about a song

Well, I think it could be Kanashami no Nukumori, as well as Hoshi no Hate.
Either way, both of them are included in the OST.
Hope I helped you.

Re: question about a song

Thanks guys, found it.