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ultimate weapon girlfriend

i am getting the anime movie ultime weapong girlfriend for christmas from my firend...but is it really bloddy?...and does it have alot of sex in it...not that i kare but i just dont wantm y parents ot hear..please answer me

Re: ultimate weapon girlfriend

No, there is not much sex... and it's tastefully/gently done anyway. No "groans or moans" if that's what you're worried about. ^_^;

Blood... well, a few parts, but overall... not really.

Of course, this is my opinion, you see... xD

Re: Re: ultimate weapon girlfriend

There's no sex in the manga
*edit: there's no actualized sex
EXCEPT for the last volume.

Where almost one third of the book is about
it. While it's not explicit, there's a lot of
nudity, and you can really see the shape of things
so to speak.

Of course, it's really just the physical manifestation
of Chise and Shouji's love, but if you are worried
about your parents, just hide the last volume

Remember, the manga was targeted at adults, so the story is much more mature ( and better! ). There arn't even any furigana ( small hiragana above the kanji that point out the pronouciations ) in the manga.

Re: Re: Re: ultimate weapon girlfriend

I totally spaced out when you said
not manga

Well, if it's the anime you're worried about
then it's cool.
There's no actual sex scenes, and very little




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Re: ultimate weapon girlfriend

Nah the thing doesn't have a lot of blood. At least not all the time. As for sex, it's nothing graphic. There are no nudity. Saikano just hints at it. I think that a lot of parents might object to young people watching this anime because of the above facts. However, it is an extremely good anime. So good that I rate it as the best anime of all time. Most other people I know rate it as at least the best of 2003. I like it so much that my new aol screen name is part of the title.